K-12 'Extended Resource Room' Program

The ‘Extended Resource Room’ is a more specialized placement than the traditional ‘Resource Room’ and offers specialized instruction in pre-academic, academic and functional behavioral support for students requiring a higher level of support. 

Three 'Extended Resource Rooms' are available throughout the district at each of our different grade spans - our elementary program is located at Truman Elementary,  with the others found at Lincoln Middle School, and our secondary program at Green River High School. 

Placement into the 'Extended Resource Room' Program is an IEP team decision and is based on specific student needs and discussion regarding the placement that can meet those needs most appropriately. The 'Extended Resource Room' placement is a decision that is considered yearly by the IEP team. The decision is made after a thorough review of the IEP components which may include present levels of performance, goals/objectives, accommodations, modifications, supplementary aids and services, state and district assessments, behavior intervention plans, teacher and parental input, and results from any previous evaluations. 

 Some common features of the 'Extended Resource Room' Program include: 

*Higher level of staff support (small group instruction with smaller teacher/student ratio). 

*Strong emphasis on the application of functional academic instruction in basic skill areas of reading,  writing, math and spelling; along with, life skills and social skills. 

*Increased focus on vocational skill development, independent living skills and self-advocacy are  emphasized as  the student enters the middle and high school level. 

* Decisions regarding graduation and certificates of completions are made on an individual basis and  placement in the 'Extended Resource Room' does not eliminate or prevent a student from obtaining  their high school diploma; in contrary, often times we have found that the additional support affords  students with an opportunity to successfully complete their graduation requirements.